The Austin Service Journal
Technical Articles by The Austin Motor Co. Ltd.

Confidential to our Agents & Service Depots
Austin Motor Co. Ltd.  Longbridge, Birmingham

 Extracts from

Vols 1 – 13

1927 – 39 

7hp Models





These articles are taken from a book of extracts.  The pages were in sequence in a bound volume but have the page numbers of the original sections as issued at intervals over the years.  There is no indication as the date of publication or by whom; however the original copyright is with the Austin Motor Co. Ltd.

The Service Journal consisted of articles covering all models of Austins in production at that time as the servicing techniques were often the same.  There were also many pages of revised part numbers, special tools, and short updates of how a task should be undertaken by mechanics.  These have very little, or no, relevance to the present day diy enthusiast and so have not been reproduced here. 

The articles have been selected for their detailed information on how to do the task.  They are in chronological order of publication with the month/year on the pages to enable the reader to ensure that it is relevant to their model.  Please note that references to firm’s names and addresses, and many specified products, are now completely out of date.  

Some pages refer to page numbers of a previous article; these are in the original full edition of the Journal and have not been included in the Extracts from which these articles have been taken; therefore, they cannot be included or cross-referenced.  As far as possible links are given to other articles on the same topic on this website.

All pages have been scanned at 600dpi and can be copied onto a blank page in MS Word or Publisher and made to fit the page for your own use.  Unfortunately some of the pages in the Extracts were of poor quality and the reproduction here is the best which can be achieved.

A reproduction of the Journal is available from The Seven Workshop Ltd. Website:


Please note: The technical advice and information given in these articles is that of the Austin Motor Co. Ltd.  The Cornwall Austin Seven Club, its officers and members do not necessarily endorse the advice given in the articles, and do not accept any liability for loss, damage or injury from persons acting upon that advice.  Anyone following the advice given in any of these articles, shall be deemed to have accepted this statement.

Our technical members may not be able to answer any questions arising from these articles as they may have developed their own method of undertaking the work.

Further articles speciifc to Austin Sevens, written by our members, are in Technical Articles.  General articles, most of which are not specifically 'Austin Seven', which apply to many pre-war, and early post-war, cars where the advice offered is as relevant now to owners of Austin Sevens as it was when the article was first published are found in Technical Advice.

You may wish to consider referring to The Austin Seven Manual.
Fully recommended for the d-i-y enthusiast.  This is an all embracing workshop manual covering 'Seven' models from 1925 to 1939, but does not adequately cover the 'Big Seven'.  The sections deal with the Engine; Fuel System; Gearbox; Prop Shaft; Rear Axle; Front Suspension; Steering; Hubs & Brakes; Road Springs; Chassis; Electrical, and Accessories.  Each section is divided into periods ie 1923-28, 1928-1932, 1932-35, although not always these years.  Within each section are subsections on Dismantling and Assembly.  Diagrams support the step by step easy to follow text, but the only problem is that the text does not cite the letter identifying the part in the diagram, so there is a need to have a reasonable technical knowledge in order to use it.  by the late Doug Woodrow, published by and available from Mercury Vintage Services, Rosedale, Station Road, Emneth, Norfolk PE14 8DL.  Tel: 01945 430058  e-mail:





The articles available are:


        Relining the Clutch - April 1927

        The Magneto Coupling and its use - April 1927

       The Torque Tube and Back Axle - April 1927

       Overhauling the Steering - Jan/Feb 1929

       Fitting New Pistons (All models) - Mar/April 1929

       Overoiling - Sept/Oct 1929

       Amal Carburettors  - Nov/Dec 1929

       Jamming Starter Motors  - Jan/Feb 1930

       Starting Handles - Mar/April 1930 or 1931

       Renewing Axle Bevels and Crown Wheel - Mar/April 1930 or 1931

       Wiring of Cut-out - March 1932

       Removing the Body From Chassis - Sept/Oct 1932

       Bevel Pin Meshing Gauge - Sept/oct 1933

       Radiator Removal - May 1934

       Electric Petrol Gauges - June/July 1934

       Wiring Diagrams - Sept/Oct 1934

       Body Removal (Ruby and Pearl) - December 1934

       Removing of Front Fairing and Radiator - January 1935

       Gearbox Removal - March 1935

       Relining the Clutch - June 1935

       Engine Timing - Nov/Dec 1935

       New Wiring Diagrams + Earth (All models) - January 1936

       Rear Axles (Fitting new Bevels and Crown Wheels) - June 1936

       Crankshaft Front-end Bearings - Aug/Sept 1936

       Braking System - December 1936 and Braking System (Girling Brakes) - March 1937

       Engine Removal - January 1937

       Gearbox Overhaul (Part 1) - May 1937

       Gearbox Overhaul (Part 2) - June 1937

       Worm and Sector Steering Gear (Seven & Big Seven) - August 1937

       Piston Clearances (All models) - October 1937

       Standard Settings (Carburettor, Tappets, Plugs & Distributor) - October 1937

       Castor and Camber (All models) - October 1937

       Girling Brakes (Big Seven) - October 1937

       Maintenance Data (Big Seven) - November 1937

       Engine Removal (Big Seven) - February 1938

       Gearbox Removal (Big Seven) - March 1938

       Tightening Cylinder Head Nuts (All models) - March 1938

       Clutches (Keeping Friction Surfaces Dry) - April 1938

       Fitting New Rubbers to Door Dovetails (All models) - July 1938

       Direction Indicators (All models - servicing hints) - October 1939

