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Perhaps you are new to Austin Seven ownership and seeking information, or a long-time ago past owner looking to refresh your memory.
Yes, the Seven does not have wonderful acceleration; the top speed is not great; the brakes can be rather less than you have been used to; there are all sorts of non-optional rattles; it requires regular maintenance and it can breakdown.
Hopefully you have joined a Club where you will benefit from friendship and encouragement to drive your Seven. Some members will be prepared to offer technical support but they cannot teach experience and will expect you to adopt an element of 'self-help'.
Therefore, you should try to gain some knowledge about regular maintenance checks; driving and the handling; and what to look for in the event of a roadside breakdown. You will require a few imperial tools if none have come with the car, and to carry some spares.
The Handbook, supplied with your car when it was new, has probably long since departed. Original copies do appear on e-bay at a price, and some have been reproduced, but not all are available. All editions of the Handbook contained useful advice for the new owner and sections that help overcome some of the problems a driver will experience.
Apologies for the varied quality of the pages reproduced but copying old Handbooks is none too easy at times.
There is much duplication, with slight editorial changes, of sections eg Control of the Car; Lubrication; Fuel System and Electrical System, in sequential handbooks as the development of the Seven progressed. Some of the more important sections are reproduced in this section. They are listed in the order they appear in the Handbook cited.
See also: Data Pages for additional information
on Specifications, Lubrication
Chart and Wiring Diagrams
for the following models are available:
The AC Tourer;
RP Saloon;
Ruby & Variants; CRV & CRW
Big Seven.
Many topics are covered in Technical Articles written by our mmebers and also Technical Advice, articles from old magazines.
General Items covering all Sevens
Austin Seven - Schedule of Charges for Repairs. Publication No: 540f.
Austin Seven Maintenance - the daily, weekly and monthly attentions.
Changing a Wheel inc positioning of the lifting jack.
Control of the Austin Seven inc the different gear changing for all models.
Items related to Tourer AC – Pram Hood: Publication No: 352i
Carburettor inc jet sizes, adjustment and slow running.
BLIC Magneto inc lubrication, timing and detection of magneto faults.
Lubrication of the engine, gearbox, all grease nipples etc.
Electrical Equipment inc the dynamo, ammeter, fuse and battery.
Running Adjustments inc. Tappet adjustment,adjusting brakes, steering and Hartford Shock Absorbers.
Items related to Fabric Saloon Type R: Publication No: 352q (1927) and similar models.
Ignition inc M-L Magneto
Items related to Box Saloons; Publication No: 1095A (1934)
Starting the Engine inc difficulty in starting
Fuel System inc the Fuel Pump and problems in the system
Ignition System inc. Distributor, Ignition Faults and Timing.
Carburettor - 'V' Type Zenith Carburettor
Tyres - pressures and tyre wear.
Items related to the Ruby MK 2 and variants: Publication No: 1725 (1938)
Lubrication of engine, gearbox, steering gear and all grease nipples.
For Electrical Equipment, Ignition System, Steering, Care of the Brakes, Running Adjsutments - see Big Seven below as they are very similar.
Items related to the Big Seven; Publication No: 1523B (1938)
Starting the Engine inc priming the pump and difficulty in starting.
Control of the Car inc notes on changing gear, skidding and synchromesh.
Fuel Pump inc cleaning the filter.
Carburettor, Zenith 30VM-4 downdraught
Cooling System inc fan belt adjustment, winter precautions.
Ignition System inc the distributor, ignition faults and timing.
Lubrication of engine, gearbox, axles etc.
Electrical Equipment inc the dynamo, starter motor, cut-out/regulator, horn, wipers and battery, indicators.
Brakes; Care and adjustment of the brakes
Running Adjustments: Tappet adjustment, Valve Grinding & Fitting Head Gasket
Steering; adjustment of the Track Rod & Steering Box
Also: Austin Big Seven Handbooks - a listing of the publications relating to the Big Seven
These articles have been selected from different editions of the Austin Seven Handbooks by the webmaster.