Austin Seven Maintenance

Our Sevens require a lot more tlc than do our modern cars.  It will surprise the new owner that the 'Regular Attentions' mentioned in the Handbooks suggest that specific tasks should be carried out at such frequent intervals.  Whilst automobile engineering has advanced so much in the last 80 years we do need to look after our Sevens as they were when on the roads in the 1930s.  We are their guardians for the next generation of enthusiasts.

The recommendations are not rigid but some common sense, depending upon the mileage, will help keep your Seven  roadworthy.

If you have just bought a Seven it is well worth undertaking a thorough check of all the items listed as the previous owner may not have been very conscientious; many a grease nipple has not seen grease for 70 years!

NB:  Old grease nipples can be covered with crud so seek them out.  Modern grease guns do not fit over the original grease nipple so replace them with new ones of the same angle.

Lubrication:  Most Seveners now use a Classic 20W50 multigrade for the engine and gearbox.  The differential requires 140 and for the Big Seven only it is EP 140.  Modern lubricant chemistry means the oil can last for a longer period than the intervals suggested but it does depend upon the condition of the engine.  If in doubt seek advice before it is too late!


From Handbook Publication 352i, 1925 - The Tourer AC (Chummy)

Ac Attns 1a

AC Attns 2a

AC Attns 3a


From Handbook Publication 1095A - 1934 Box Saloon

1934 Attns 1

1934 Attns 2


From Handbook Publication 1725,1938 - The Big Seven

Attentions 1


Attentions 2

See also:

Austin Seven Check-up (DIY MoT)

Maintenance and overhaul of the Austin Seven Pt 1

Maintenance and overhaul of the Austin Seven pt 2
